Sunday, April 9, 2017

Here I am !

Yes here I am after months ago I promised to my self to write more often and ended up NONE! hahaha as always I think writing is not my thing anymore. So many things I want to do at one time and I cannot just stay still to focus on one thing which is bad. I don't know is it because the effect of working which takes most of ur time and ended up u cudn't really do much ( I know, I know is just my excuse). So here I am with no work and really need to gain all my focus on one thing. I feel up and down all the time, at one time I feel like I really want to do it but at another time I feel just want to work without thinking too much by means work like an usual worker. Life is getting uneasy nowadays especially when u reach 30. I feel to much confusions to choose what to do for the future and I don't want to live my life just like a normal people. 

Anyway Spring is finally coming, no more cold weather which is quite nice so I can spend more time outside to enjoy the nature and HK itself. Few hiking places needed to be explored and I am glad to live in this place tho' I mean seriously what fun about living in ur own country for ages. I am lucky to have a chance to explore different countries, meet people from different background with their abstract mindset and thought about life, experience truly different cultures. I hope from now on I can be more active to write about surrounding and my experience in daily life and yes yes yes ! I am finally going to take French lesson (again) for my own purpose which is quite related to both of my professions as Patissier and Fashion Designer. So cross finger, I hope I can pay attention and digest well. CHEERS !